Triple P (Positive Parenting Program)

The Triple P Program, one of the most effective evidence-based parenting programs, gives parents/caregivers simple and practical strategies to help build strong, healthy relationships, confidently manage their children/youth’s behaviour and prevent problems from developing. This 10-12-week, home-based and virtual program is for parents/caregivers of youth ages 0-17. Triple P also offers groups for parent/caregivers of children ages 0-12 and teens.

AYSP also offers the Triple P Online program, which is a flexible, online parenting course that teaches skills and techniques in positive parenting.  Triple P Online provides simple and practical strategies to help parents/caregivers build strong, healthy relationships, confidently manage their children/youth’s behaviour and prevent problems from developing. Counsellors may provide phone support to parents/caregivers as required, while they complete the course.

Goals of the Program:

  • To assist parents/caregivers to build strong, healthy relationships with their children/youth
  • To help parents/caregivers develop effective strategies for dealing with a variety of child and adolescent social/emotional and behavioural issues
  • To provide parents/caregivers with the confidence and skills to be self-sufficient to manage problems independently
  • To deliver the exact amount of support a parent/caregiver needs (enough but not too much)

Inclusionary Criteria:

  • Residents of Peel
  • Parents/caregivers of children and youth ages 0-17 years
  • Parents/caregivers who have expressed concerns about their child/youths’ behavioural difficulties at home and in the community, and who require support and training in positive parenting
  • Parents/caregivers who want to build strong, healthy relationships with their children/youth
  • Parents/caregivers who are able to commit to actively participate in 10 – 12 weekly individualized sessions

Exclusionary Criteria:

  • Children/youth or their parents/caregivers who are actively suicidal, homicidal or in need of immediate crisis stabilization
  • When the safety of the Worker cannot be ensured

Referral Sources:

  • Self-referrals
  • Community Service Providers
  • Peel CAS
  • Peel School Boards
  • Hospitals
  • Youth Justice Services

Referral Process:

Parents/caregivers can make a self-referral by contacting or by calling 905.451.4655.

Peel Children’s Aid workers forward referrals to the designated Peel Children’s Aid Supervisor. These are then sent to AYSP’s Intake Specialist.

Partner organizations and AYSP staff working with clients who meet eligibility requirements can make a referral to the Triple P program via the Internal Transfer Protocol.

The Triple P Program Supervisor is available to answer any questions you may have regarding the referral process or program criteria.