Youth Justice Programs
AYSP provides several diversion and court-sanctioned programs for youth who are involved in Youth Justice, with the goal of supporting re-connection to the community and diversion away from the formal justice system.
Attendance Centre
This program is an alternative to custody program under the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA). It allows a young person to remain in the community, to participate in an in-person, structured and supervised program. The program encompasses a wide variety of opportunities for youth to learn and develop new skills, while maintaining a closely supervised setting to ensure the safety of the youth and the community. Education Forward (offered to youth participating in the Attendance Centre Program) is an opportunity for those not enrolled in a traditional school program to participate in an alternative learning environment, while receiving intensive one-to-one support.
ExtraJudicial Measures Program (EJM)
The EJM Program is intended to divert young persons away, pre-charge, from formal criminal proceedings and into a program of rehabilitation. The EJM Program is designed for young persons who have been involved in non-violent offences for the first time. EJM allows the police to address the actions of young persons without utilizing the formal youth justice court system. The young person will participate in a structured and supervised program, taking into consideration the young person's interests, skills, and abilities.
Extrajudicial Sanctions Program (EJS)
The EJS Program is a means to divert young persons charged, away from formal criminal proceedings and into a program of rehabilitation. The EJS Program is a community-based program. The young person will participate in a structured and supervised program, taking into consideration the young person's interests, skills, and abilities.
Halton/Peel Counselling Program
The Counselling Program provides individual and/or family counselling for youth ages 12-19, who are on Probation or involved in Youth Justice programming at AYSP, and experiencing mental health challenges. Sessions are office-based and/or virtual and length of service may range between 6 to 12 months, as determined by client needs and goals.
Multisystemic Therapy (MST)
The MST Program is an intensive, short-term intervention (3-5 months) which involves the whole family. It is a home-based and/or virtual, family-focused treatment which aims to reduce antisocial behaviour and improve family functioning, peer relations, and school performance of youth ages 12-17. Sessions are goal-focused, strength-based, and occur 2+ times a week in the youth’s natural environment.
STEPS – Youth Community Counselling Program
(Formerly RAIN and TAYO Programs)
The STEPS – Youth Community Counselling Program is an outreach-based and/or virtual counselling and case management programs for youth ages 15-17 years. Counsellors meet youth where they are at, providing support to youth experiencing on-going mental health challenges, who may be under-housed or homeless and/or likely to transition into adult services. This program utilizes a strength-based, client-centered approach, focusing on immediate needs and long-term goals.
Youth Justice Committee Program (YJC)
The YJC Program provides an alternative to formal court proceedings when dealing with young people alleged to have committed certain offences. Youth Justice Committees involve trained community members who meet in-person and/or virtual with persons harmed, accused young people and their parents/caregivers to negotiate an appropriate way for the young person to make amends for their actions.
Youth Mental Health Court Worker (YMHCW)
This program provides in-person/virtual support to youth experiencing mental health issues who are involved with the Youth Justice Court. The YMHCW provides referral resources to the Youth Justice Court and establishes contacts with community-based services to divert the young person away from the Criminal Justice System to mental health resources and services within the community. This service is offered to youth involved in the Youth Justice Court at the A. Grenville & William Davis Courthouse (Brampton), the Milton Courthouse (Milton), or the Dufferin County Courthouse (Orangeville).
“I really appreciate the volunteers and the AYSP workers, especially that they passed no judgements and were very easy to speak to.”